Can Science and Faith Coexist?


We’ve all seen this sign. We know it means that all faiths should be able to coexist. I believe that faith should be able to coexist peacefully. I mean, America has been striving to create a place where we can all coexist peacefully. The United States of America was created to allow tolerance, and, over time, they have been able to create a more tolerant society. Of course, I cannot vouch for all of America or all of the world. There are still people being killed for their religion or fighting over religious beliefs. However, we can see that society is progressing towards a world where we can all coexist religiously.

Of course, that brings my topic. Can faith and science coexist? I think this is the controversy we should be concerned about. Faith is very subjective; they can all coexist with ease. Even if they contradict one another, nothing can be proven, so there doesn’t need to be a war. However, science and faith are completely different beliefs. Sometimes facts can utterly destroy the faith. To some people, evolution utterly destroys the belief that God fashioned us in his image. To some, evolution is a myth because God fashioned us in His image. Of course, evolution has a missing link so there is no hard evidence. But that’s the most common controversy. And there’s a middle ground. God’s ‘seven days’ could be several thousand years in our time. And if God controls everything, he could control evolution to create us into His image. There’s always a middle ground.

But less advanced civilizations can believe in something completely different. My anthropology class is discussing a native civilization called the Trobrianders. The Trobrianders have their own belief system. To start, they believe children aren’t related to their father. They believe the family line is carried out through the mother’s line; they believe children are created when a new spirit enters a woman’s womb. It’s much more complicated, but that’s the basics. This is where the controversy comes in. If a scientist walked in with the hard facts of DNA and the use of sex in pregnancy, one of two things would happen. The scientist would be thrown out, or their faith would be thrown out.

This is where my issue is created. So, in that case, there’s no way for their faith and science to coexist. What if this continues? Over time, what if all faith and science are contradicting? It seems like the entire world has to choose a side. Even politics use faith OR science. Take the abortion issue. Republicans try to use a mostly ‘faith’ argument a lot. You know, that whole ‘God’s children’ thing. Democrats try to fight it with science and rights. It seems like everything is turning into a faith vs science fight.

I want to believe faith and science can coexist peacefully. I have faith in both faith and science. I don’t think I could live without one or the other.

In ways, yes, they coexist rather peacefully. But they both tend to walk along the razor’s edge. They both argue the beliefs of the other. Evolution contradicts creationism, DNA contradicts spirits. Everything seems like it could create a different story. I feel like there is a middle ground for everything, but I don’t believe most people are capable of finding the middle ground. I feel most people feel like they must pick a side and defend it to the death. There’s no listening, there’s hardly even any logical argument. Most arguments are just who can talk the loudest. Then most people follow them like sheep. Baaa.

I think, just like in anything else, the best way to handle every situation is to find a middle ground. Then, faith and science can coexist. Cold, hard facts and objective beliefs and concepts can agree with one another. But until people can stop arguing and start listening, there will never be any collaboration. And, soon enough, the battle between faith and science will turn physical. Just like the battle between different faiths. Everyone thinks that problems can be solved with violence. I suppose that’s human nature. But there’s a lot wrong with human nature. And that’s just as contradictory. But that discussion is for another day. I think I’m settled with my rant of the day.

Goodnight loves<3



5 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. dontbestupidblog
    Oct 30, 2011 @ 08:11:58


  2. Nathan
    Jan 10, 2012 @ 22:18:57

    The Yin and Yang symbol is not Buddhist! It is used in Daoism and then Confucionsim. It has nothing to do with Buddhism. Get your symbols straight; how can we Coexists if we dont know anything about each other? Buddhist symbols include the Dharma Wheel and the Three Jewels of Buddhism. I have been a Therevada Buddhist for many years. Thats my source of information.


    • allisonxwonderland
      Jan 11, 2012 @ 21:56:46

      I didn’t make the picture, I just used it because I found it on a different site. I understand why you are upset about this, but that wasn’t the point of the blog. The picture had just gotten me thinking, along with signs and posts on my school’s campus. I’m sorry that it uses the wrong symbol, but I still believe that different faiths coexist much more efficiently than faiths and sciences do. While people may not know about faiths other than their own, most do not oppose each other the way faith and science does.

      I am sorry that the picture upset you, but I did not make it. And I’m pretty sure it was used just because it looks like an O. I wasn’t using the picture for accuracy, but rather the meaning behind it.


  3. cc
    Jan 30, 2012 @ 23:38:15

    Jeez Nathan, lighten up. The idea behind her article was a message of peace. Most buddhist I know would have tried to look beyond the surface of the image and focused on the effort allison made, to unify people across religious barriers/boundaries. That is just my opinion. (BTW – that image does resonate with some as a thought provoking image that reminds them of the East ….but it’s nice of you to think of helping us by enlightening us.) NAMASTE – Peace


    • allisonxwonderland
      Feb 02, 2012 @ 08:07:08

      Thank you! (: I’m glad someone understood the point. I was trying to promote peace, not provoke an argument over the symbol for buddhism. However, the East has its on difficulties. Peace is possible though; it’s just a very very very long road.


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